Million Father March
The Million Father March is an opportunity for men to show their commitment to the educational lives of their children on the first day of school and throughout the school year. On the first day of school each year since the March began in 2004, fathers, grandfathers, uncles, cousins and significant male caregivers are asked to take their children to their first day of school in Omaha, Ne and all across the country and around the world. Fathers, grandfathers, foster fathers, stepfathers, uncles, cousins, big brothers, significant male caregivers and friends of the family participate in the event. Fathers are asked to sign a pledge to volunteer 10 hours at their child's school during each school year. This event was started by the Black Star Project in Chicago, and Black Men United is proud to have brought this program to the Omaha, Lincoln and metro community for the last 11 years.
The Million Father March is an opportunity for men to show their commitment to the educational lives of their children on the first day of school and throughout the school year. On the first day of school each year since the March began in 2004, fathers, grandfathers, uncles, cousins and significant male caregivers are asked to take their children to their first day of school in Omaha, Ne and all across the country and around the world. Fathers, grandfathers, foster fathers, stepfathers, uncles, cousins, big brothers, significant male caregivers and friends of the family participate in the event. Fathers are asked to sign a pledge to volunteer 10 hours at their child's school during each school year. This event was started by the Black Star Project in Chicago, and Black Men United is proud to have brought this program to the Omaha, Lincoln and metro community for the last 11 years.